NZ CVs & cover letters provides CV, cover letter writing and career consultancy services for jobseekers, career changers and school leavers entering the job market.
NZ CVs is a 100% NZ owned and female-founded business directed by consultant Sian Lean.
Sian is a professional Employment Consultant who will help you craft the perfect CV and cover letter.
If you've been struggling with how and where to start, Sian will help you uncover your hidden skills and talents to land that job!
Sian has an extensive background in education and consulting. She has worked as a teacher in NZ and Australia as well as Kenya and the Cook Islands.
Sian has been a recipient of multiple scholarships including the prestigious Post Primary Secondary Teacher's Award to complete postgraduate study in curriculum design at Massey University in 2008.
Sian has worked at tertiary level, facilitating workshops for industry and MSD. She has coordinated business skills workshops for the NZ Family Federation of Budget Advisors, worked as a budget advisor and also registered financial adviser in lending and insurance.
Sian has extensive business experience and is passionate about helping Kiwi's thrive and move forward to be able to face the future confidently armed with skills.
Sian has expertise in working with clients with disabilities to assist them into education and employment. Sian has a wide network of connections within tertiary education and industry.
Sian takes industry' best practice and latest research to inform her approach to effective job seeking and CV and cover letter writing.
Sian is a member of the Kapiti and Hutt Valley Chamber's of Commerce. She is also a mentor for the Graeme Dingle foundation and the founder of an eCommerce ethical-clothing brand, Ahmedaabad Silk Traders.